è stato il secondo presidente del New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy, riuscendo Lore Perls, ed è stato il secondo presidente della TGAA.
Ha insegnato in corsi di laurea presso la Fordham University, Hunter College e Istituto di Gestalt in Italia. Tiene corsi di formazione periodici e gruppi speciali per il weekend presso il Gestalt London Centre, e insegna Esperienziale Approaches to Psicoterapia presso il Dipartimento di Psicologia Graduate al Brooklyn College. Vede pazienti privati e fa il controllo di New York.
Carl was the second President of the New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy, succeeding Lore Perls, and was the second President of AAGT. He is a Trainer and a Fellow of the Institute.
He has taught in Graduate Programs at Fordham University, Hunter College School of Social Work, and Instituto di Gestalt in Italy. He does periodic training and special weekend groups at the Gestalt Centre London where he is on the Visiting Faculty, and he teaches Experiential Approaches to Psychotherapy in the Graduate Psychology Department at Brooklyn College. He sees private patients and does supervision in New York.