Edward Lynch J. – CV – Southern Connecticut State University, U.S.A.


PhD è approdato al campo di Costellazioni sistemiche da un background professionale già profondo. I suoi anni di studio delle Costellazioni sistemiche sono stati preceduti da approfonditi studi sulla Gestalt e formazione in Terapia Familiare e pratica.
La sua vita professionale combina insegnamento universitario (in pensione), la formazione sistemica Costellazione, supervisione per matrimonio e la famiglia, supervisione per psicoterapeuti, e la psicoterapia in uno studio privato.

Ed ha iniziato la sua vita professionale come professore presso il Dipartimento di Counseling e laureato psicologia scolastica che si è sviluppato nel Dipartimento di matrimonio e terapia familiare. Lì divenne  direttore del programma di Gestalt Training. Ha insegnato sia Gestalt Theory che corsi di pratica insieme a corsi di Terapia Familiare strutturale ed è stato un supervisore clinico per entrambe le specialità.

Ed si è formato con i maggiori teorici di Gestalt, Terapia Familiare e Costellazioni Familiari. Incluso nel queste sono Irv e Miriam Polster, Laura Perls, e Isadore From della Gestalt; Bert Hellinger, Hunter Beaumont, Albrecht Mahr, Giacobbe e Sigliende Schneider, e Stephen Hausner da Costellazioni Familiari; e Salvador Minuchin, Virginia Satir, e Carl Whitaker dal campo della Terapia Familiare.
E ‘coautore di principi e delle pratiche di Terapia Familiare strutturale scritto con la moglie Barbara. Inoltre, egli è co-editore di messaggeri di guarigione, e ha capitoli di numerosi libri e articoli, tradotti in francese, spagnolo, russo e tedesco. Inoltre, Ed ha facilitato workshop e presentato in occasione di conferenze nazionali e internazionali in Francia, Belgio, Italia, Spagna, Russia, Ucraina, e in Australia.


  • I principi e le pratiche di Terapia Familiare strutturale scritto con la moglie Barbara
  • Co-editore di Messaggeri di guarigione
  • Capitoli in diversi libri e articoli, tradotti in francese, spagnolo, russo e tedesco

PhD came to the field of Systemic Constellations from an already deep professional background. His years of facilitating Systemic Constellations were preceded by in-depth Gestalt and Family Therapy training and practice. His professional life combines university teaching (retired), Systemic Constellation training, supervision for Marriage and Family therapists, workshop facilitation, and psychotherapy in private practice.

Ed began his professional life as a professor in the graduate Department of Counseling and School Psychology which developed into the Department of Marriage and Family Therapy. There he eventually became the department chairperson and director of the Gestalt Therapy Training program. He has taught both Gestalt Theory and Practice courses along with Structural Family Therapy courses and was a clinical supervisor for both specialties.Ed trained with the major theorists in Gestalt, Family Therapy and Family Constellations. Included in these are Irv and Miriam Polster, Laura Perls, and Isadore From the Gestalt field; Bert Hellinger, Hunter Beaumont, Albrecht Mahr, Jacob and Sigliende Schneider, and Stephen Hausner from Family Constellations; and Salvador Minuchin, Virginia Satir, and Carl Whitaker from the Family Therapy field.
He is coauthor of The Principles and Practices of Structural Family Therapy written with his wife Barbara. In addition, he is co-editor of Messengers of Healing, and has chapters in several books and articles translated into French, Spanish, Russian, and German. In addition, Ed has facilitated workshops and presented at conferences nationally and internationally in France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Russia, the Ukraine, and Australia.
Ed is the director of The North American Systemic Constellation Intensive, and is on the faculty of the first Australasian Intensive in Sydney, and is a founding member of ISCA. Ed, in partnership with Dan Booth Cohen, is the organizer of this Intensive and has produced five North American Intensives. He often brings major international trainers to the US as well as offering his own trainings. His professional life consists of university teaching, a Systemic Constellation training program, workshop facilitator, and therapist in private practice.

  • The Principles and Practices of Structural Family Therapy written with his wife Barbara
  • Co-editor of Messengers of Healing
  • Chapters in several books and articles translated into French, Spanish, Russian, and German

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