Frank Staemmler – cv – Ph.D., Dipl.-Psych., Wuerzburg, Germania

frank staemmler

Dr. Staemmler è nato nel 1951 ed è psicologo e terapeuta della Gestalt, vive a Würzburg, in Germania. Lavora come terapeuta della Gestalt in uno studio privato dal 1976, e come supervisore e formatore dal 1981. Ha scritto più di settanta articoli e capitoli di libri, sei libri e ha (co-) pubblicato altri cinque libri. Insegna a livello internazionale ed è una presenza frequente nelle conferenze in Germania e all’estero. E’ stato direttore dell’ International Gestalt Journal dal 2001-2006 e co-editore di Studies in Gestalt Therapy: Dialogical Bridges dal 2007-2009. Libro di recente pubblicazione: Empathy in Psychotherapy: How Therapists and Clients Understand Each Other (Springer Publishing, New York 2012).
Dr. Staemmler was born in 1951 and is a Psychologist and Gestalt therapist, who lives in Würzburg, Germany. He has been working as a Gestalt therapist in private practice since 1976, and as a supervisor and trainer since 1981. He has written more than seventy articles and book chapters and six books and has (co-) edited five other books. He teaches internationally and is a frequent presenter on conferences in Germany and abroad. He was editor of the International Gestalt Journal from 2001 to 2006 and co-editor of the Studies in Gestalt Therapy: Dialogical Bridges from 2007 to 2009. Recent book publication: Empathy in Psychotherapy: How Therapists and Clients Understand Each Other (Springer Publishing, New York 2012).

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