Riskreal Gestalt

Project Summary: Virtual Reality & Digital Tools for the Development of Psychosocial Skills

The professional training provided to low qualified workers within industries with high psychosocial risk is often limited to the mere development of technical skills. Moreover, training in such industries can also be restricted, since equipment is expensive and mistakes can be costly, both financially and in terms of the employees’ health. One possible solution is that of providing training through Virtual Reality. Consequently, RISKREAL was conceived as a project co-financed by the programme Erasmus+ of the European Union that adopted a technological approach to address this gap in skills and offer digital tools for the evaluation and acquisition of psychosocial competences. The project RISKREAL started in September 2020 and ran up to August 2023. The initiative was in turn contributed by a consortium of seven partners from four different countries; these being Spain, Italy, Malta and Greece.

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Riskreal Gestalt

Why is industrial/organizational psychology essential?

L’Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy è partner del progetto Europeo Riskreal, che approfondisce l’importanza della psicologia organizzativa e industriale a supporto di tutte quelle aziende in cui il rischio di incidenti è alto. Nel seguente articolo vengono approfonditi i seguenti fattori: burn-out, assenteismo, rotazione del personale, mancanza di motivazione al lavoro:
Leggi l’articolo

News dal progetto RISKREAL

Continua il progetto RISKREAL (www.riskreal.eu)
E’ in corso di ultima validazione l’APP per la valutazione e il monitoraggio delle competenze
trasversali nei lavoratori a bassa qualificazione professionale e nei prossimi mesi il team dell’Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy, insieme agli altri partner, sarà impegnato in un ricco lavoro di ricerca per realizzare i prossimi obiettivi, primo fra tutti un toolkit volto a promuovere l’apprendimento delle abilità psicologiche e sociali necessarie a tutti i lavoratori dei settori industriali.
Se sei interessato a partecipare leggi la nostra newsletter e contattaci.

The project RISKREAL is going on (www.riskreal.eu).
The APP for assessing and monitoring the soft skills in low qualified workers is ongoing of the last validation.
In the next few months the Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy’s team, together with the other partners, will engage in a rich work of research to realize the next objectives, first of all a toolkit aimed at promoting the learning of psychological skills in low qualification jobs of industry sectors.
If you are interested in participating read our newsletter and contact us.